SHOWALL PET. LTD. Privacy Policy and Service Agreement


Welcome to use SHOWALL Mall! We will help you understand the services we provide to you and the way we collect and handle personal information through this Privacy Policy and Service Agreement

As the operator of SHOWALL Mall, SHOWALL PTE. LTD. and its affiliates ("we") are aware of the importance of your personal information, and we will protect your personal information and privacy in accordance with the laws and regulations. We have created this Privacy Policy and Service Agreement and would like to remind you that we hope you will read and understand it carefully before using SHOWALL Mall and related services in order to make appropriate choices.

This Privacy Policy and Service Agreement will help you understand:

- We will collect and use your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, but we will not use mandatory bundling to collect personal information solely because you agree to this Privacy Policy.

- When you use or enable related functions or use the services, we may collect and use information that is necessary to achieve the functions and services. You may refuse to provide information unless it is necessary to perform basic business functions or required by law or regulation, and it does not affect other functions or services. We will explain what information is necessary in our privacy policy.

- If you are not logged in to your account, we will use the identifier information for your device to ensure the basic functionality of the message delivery. If you are logged in to your account, we will use your account information to enable pushing of messages.

- To help you discover more friends, we may request address book access.

- We respect your right to choose. If you don't want to be recommended to your friends, you can turn it off at any time in "Account  Settings  Privacy Settings".

- Contacts, precise geolocation, camera, microphone, photo album, camera access, storage access, and sensitive information are not turned on by default and will only be used for specific functions or services with your explicit authorization, which can be revoked. In particular, even if we obtain these sensitive permissions with your authorization, we will not collect your information when it is not needed for the relevant function or service. SHOWALL Mall Permissions Usage and Usage Description:

- SHOWALL Mall application will obtain the user's "IMEI" information in the background, which is used to obtain the user's unique identification.

- SHOWALL Mall application will get the user's "ANDROID ID" information in the background, used for user behavior data statistics and analysis.

- We use a third-party SDK, (Umeng statistics).  

The SDK uses personal information such as the number of times a user has viewed a product, the time spent on the product, and the interest in the product.  

The purpose of the use is for your traffic monetizing, or promotion of your own products.

- We will obtain the user's "software installation list".

- Authorized Login: We may share your account information (avatar, nickname and other information prompted by the page) with third parties with your consent so that you can easily log in to WeChat. When you use the WeChat login function, we have to call your software list in order to "call and wake up the third party application", WeChat. In addition, we may obtain your third-party account information from the third party based on your authorization and bind it to your Wisdom Tree account so that you can log in directly, use our products and/or Services through the third-party account. We will use your information to the extent that you have authorized us to do so.

- This Privacy Policy applies to your access to and use of our products and services through the SHOWALL Mall application (including different versions such as Fast Edition), the official SHOWALL Mall website, the SHOWALL Mall Software Development Kit (SDK) and Application Programming Interface (API) for use on third party websites and applications. The SHOWALL Mall application will capture the user's "MAC" information in a background state.

The following section will help you understand in detail how we collect, use, store, transmit, share, transfer (if applicable) and protect personal information; and how you can visit, access, delete, correct and withdraw your authorized personal information. Please pay special attention to the important content of the terms and conditions regarding your personal information rights, which we have bolded.

How We Collect and Use Personal Information

How We Use Cookies and Other Similar Technologies

How We Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Personal Information

How We Store Personal Information

How We Protect the Security of Personal Information

Managing Your Personal Information

Terms for Minors

Privacy Policy Revisions and Notices

Contact Us


1. How We Collect and Use Personal Information

We collect information that you voluntarily provide when you use the Services, as well as information that we collect through automated means in the course of your use of the features or receipt of the Services in the following manner.

1.1 Registration, Login and Authentication

1.1.1 Registration and Login to Your Account

When you register and login to SHOWALL Mall and related services, you can create an account through your cell phone number and you can improve the relevant network identification information (avatar, nickname, password), which is collected to help you complete the registration. You can also choose to fill in your gender, birthday, region and profile to improve your information according to your needs.

You may also use a third party account, like WeChat account, to log in and use SHOWALL Mall. You will authorize us to obtain your public information (avatar, nickname and other information authorized by you) registered on the WeChat platform for binding to your SHOWALL Mall account, so that you can directly log in and use our product and related services. When logging in with a third party account, the information necessary to enable login may need to be written to and read from the clipboard. This information is only used for login-related purposes and no private information is collected.

SHOWALL Mall Login: When you log in with your SHOWALL Mall account, we may, with your consent, associate the account and share nicknames, avatars, direct or indirect followers, followers and other communication relationships (we protect your privacy and friendships formed within SHOWALL Mall are not displayed within SHOWALL Mall), posted content and other information you authorize.

When you use services provided by SHOWALL Mall client application in version 7.1.0 or above and related websites (version information can be viewed at the bottom of the "Settings" page by clicking "Account" to enter your personal home page), the account you registered in that version can simultaneously log in to the SHOWALL Mall client application (hereinafter referred to as SHOWALL Mall) and access SHOWALL Mall related services and functions, except in some cases where you use a third party account to register. You shall be bound by the SHOWALL Privacy Policy and Service Agreement and the terms and conditions of the relevant agreements when you log in and use such account.

Login to third party account: When you use SHOWALL Mall account to log in to a third party account, like WeChat account, we may share WeChat nickname and avatar information with your consent.

Based on our cooperation with telecommunication operators, when you use SHOWALL Mall "one-click login" function, with your express consent, the operator will send your cell phone number to us, so that we can provide you with fast login service. The cell phone number is sensitive information, if you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to use the "one-click login" method to register and log in SHOWALL Mall, but it will not affect you to register and log in through other methods, nor will it affect the normal use of other functions.

1.1.2 Authentication

When you use the function of authentication or related services, according to the relevant laws and regulations, you may need to provide your real identity information (real name, ID number, phone number, etc.) to complete the real name verification. Some of the information is personal sensitive information, you can refuse to provide. If you refuse to provide, you may not be able to obtain the relevant services, but it does not affect the normal use of other functions and services.

1.2 Playback Browsing

In order to ensure the quality of recommended content and to recommend videos and related information that may be of interest to you, SHOWALL Mall may collect necessary log information.

Such log information includes:

Information about your actions and usage: click, follow, favorite, search, browse, share;


Information you provide on your own initiative: feedback, post, Like, comment;

Geographic location information: including precise geographic location information obtained from GPS information, WLAN access points, Bluetooth, base station and other sensors information, and approximate geographic location information obtained from network location information (such as base stations, IP and WLAN).

Precise geographic information is sensitive information, if you refuse to provide it, we will not recommend information to you based on precise geographic information, and it will not affect the normal use of other SHOWALL Mall functions.

We will show and recommend local information in your area (city, district, etc.) based on the city and/or district corresponding to the approximate geographic location information.

Learn about personalized recommendations

1.3 Posting and Interaction

1.3.1 Information Posting

When you post content such as voice videos, pictures or comments, we will collect the information you post and display your nickname, avatar, posted content and information.

When you use the function of posting pictures and voice videos, we will ask you to authorize camera, photo and microphone permissions. If you refuse to provide authorization, you will not be able to use this feature, but it will not affect your normal use of SHOWALL Mall's other features.

When you use “Same City” and related Services or post information, we may ask you to authorize precise geolocation and collect location information related to the Service to help you display your location when posting or interacting with others. If you decline to authorize precise geolocation information, we will use your IP address to correspond to the city and/or county in which you are located. If you wish to add geolocation information to your work, you may do so by granting precise geolocation permissions or by active selection (search or platform recommendation options, etc.).

When you use the live streaming and other functions, according to laws, regulations, and security requirements, you may need to verify your identity through "face recognition" for real name authentication. In the process of real-name authentication, we and the third-party authentication agency providing authentication services require you to provide your real name, ID card number and facial features information. Some of this information is personally sensitive and you may refuse to provide it without affecting the normal use of other SHOWALL Mall features. This information is used only for the purpose of real name verification and for purposes specified in laws and regulations, and will not be used for any other purpose without your express authorization.

Information collected by us as a result of using our products or services, such as information posted by other users that may contain some of your information (e.g., in comments, messages, posted graphics, voice videos involving information related to you).

We attach great importance to user experience. In order to improve the upload speed of audio and video, enrich the posting function and optimize the experience, when you post a voice video, we will load the voice video to the server temporarily before your clicking "Post" to confirm the upload. If you cancel or fail to upload for other reasons, we will delete the video immediately. We respect your right to choose. If you want to turn off the pre-load function, you can do so in [Account] - [Settings] - [General Settings] - [Upload products in advance to reduce waiting time].

We may also use some of the facial feature information locally in the client for the purpose of providing you with face stickers and better visual effects. During this process, we will not return, store or share any of your facial feature information unless otherwise explicitly stated and with your consent.

1.3.2 Interactive Communication

When you follow an account, browse, comment, follow (favorite), favor (Like) or share, we will collect the account you follow and the aforementioned information, and display the content posted by the followed account.

You can add or remove friends or add them to blacklist in SHOWALL Mall, and to help you do this, we will create a Friends List. Friends List is necessary to establish and manage friendship.

When you use the group feature, we will create a list of group chats and related information.

When you interact with friends through SHOWALL Mall, SHOWALL Mall collects communication information that is necessary for the function to work.

When you choose to add friends using the code, SHOWALL Mall may ask you for camera access, which is a sensitive permission. Refusal to provide it will only prevent you from adding friends via the code route and will not affect the use of other features.

When you use the reminder or appointment function such as video, live streaming, event, etc., we will get your device’s calendar permission. After you turn on the relevant permissions, we will access your calendar to help you make appointments for videos, live streaming, events, and remind you of them.

When you use SHOWALL Mall or private messaging feature of SHOWALL Mall, we will show your active status to your friends in SHOWALL Mall share bar, SHOWALL Mall streaming page, SHOWALL Mall message page, etc. You can also see the active status of your other friends. If you don't want to show your active status to your friends, you can turn it off in [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Settings].

1.3.3 Friends Recommendation

SHOWALL Mall may recommend friends to you based on your and other users' authorized cell phone numbers, contacts, following people, followers, and other relationships.

We may request the address book permission and process the information in the address book with high-strength encryption algorithm and use it to recommend friends in the address book to the user. Address book information is sensitive personal information. Refusal to provide such information will only prevent users from using the above mentioned features, but will not affect users' normal use of SHOWALL Mall and other features of related services. Please be aware that if another user uploads an address book that contains your contact information, the system may also recommend friends or recommend you to the appropriate user based on that information.

We respect your right to choose. If you do not want to be recommended to friends, you can choose to turn it off in [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Settings].

SHOWALL Mall may recommend people near you based on your authorized geolocation information. The precise geolocation information is personal sensitive information, and refusal to provide this information will affect the function, but will not affect the user's normal use of other SHOWALL Mall functions.

1.3.4 Message Notification

You acknowledge and agree that we may send one or more types of notifications to one or more of the contact information (e.g., contact phone number) you provide in the course of using the products and/or services for the purpose of informing you of messages, identity verification, security verification, user experience research, etc. In addition, we may also provide you with commercial use of information about services, features or events that may be of interest to you by text message or phone call. However, please be assured that if you do not wish to receive such information, you may unsubscribe by using the unsubscribe method provided in your cell phone text message, or you may contact us directly to unsubscribe.

1.4 Search

When you use SHOWALL Mall's Search service, we will collect your searched keyword information and log records. In order to provide an efficient search service, some of the aforementioned information will be temporarily stored in your local storage device, and we can show you the searched result content and search history.

1.5 Operation and Safe Operation

1.5.1 Operation and Security

We are committed to providing you with a safe and reliable product and usage environment. Providing quality and reliable services and information is our core goal.

1.5.2 Device Information and Log Information

To ensure the safe running of software and services, quality and efficiency of operations, we collect your hardware model, operating system version number, international mobile device identifier, unique device identifier, network device hardware address, IP address, WLAN access point, Bluetooth, base station, software version number, network access method, type, status, network quality data, operation, usage, and service logs.

In order to prevent malicious programs and ensure the quality and efficiency of operations, we collect information on installed applications or running processes, overall operation, usage and frequency of applications, application crashes, overall installation and usage, performance data, and application sources.

The software contains (including but not limited to):, com.xiaomi.mipush, com.huawei.hms, com.amap.api, com. Umeng,  com.huawei.agconnect,, com.xiaomi.push, com.tencent.bugly, com.heytap.msp and other SDKs for the operation of the software.

We may use your account information, device information, service log information and information that our affiliates and partners are authorized by you or can share by law to determine account security, perform identity verification, detect and prevent security incidents.

1.6 Sharing and Activity Participation

When you share or receive shared information, participate in activities, etc., we need to access your clipboard and read the password, sharing code, and links contained therein in order to implement functions or services such as jumping, sharing, and activity linking.

1.7 Statistical Analysis

In order to analyze statistical indicators such as application additions, activations, retention, performance, etc., we may call the clipboard for attribution analysis of relevant statistical information; please rest assured that we will not collect your private information.

1.8 Change of Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

Please understand that as our business grows, we may make adjustments to the features and services offered by SHOWALL Mall. In principle, when a new function or service is related to a function or service we currently provide, the personal information collected and used will be directly or reasonably related to the original purpose of processing. In the case that there is no direct or reasonable connection with the original processing purpose, we will collect and use your personal information and inform you again and obtain your consent.

1.9 Personal Information Collected and Used Exempt from Consent by Law

Please understand that in the following cases, in accordance with laws and regulations and relevant national standards, we do not need to obtain your authorized consent for the collection and use of your personal information.

Directly related to national security, national defense security

Directly related to public safety, public health, and significant public interest

Directly related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial and sentence enforcement

In order to protect the life, property and other significant legitimate rights and interests of the subject of personal information or other individuals but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person

The personal information collected from you is disclosed by you to the public at your own discretion

Your personal information is collected from lawful and public area, such as lawful news reports, government information disclosure and other channels

Necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract at your request

Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the software and related services, such as detecting and disposing of malfunctions of the software and related services

Necessary for legitimate news reporting

Necessary for academic research institutions to conduct statistical or academic research in the public interest and to de-identify the personal information contained in the results when providing the results of academic research or descriptions to the public

Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations

In particular, you are reminded that if information cannot be identified to your personal identity alone or in combination with other information, it is not your personal information in the legal sense; when your information can be identified to your personal identity alone or in combination with other information or if we use data that cannot be linked to any specific personal information in combination with other personal information about you, such information will be treated and protected as your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy for the duration of the combined use.

2. How We Use Cookies and Other Similar Technologies

Cookies and similar technologies such as device identifiers are commonly used on the Internet. When you use SHOWALL Mall and related services, we may use such technologies to send one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and identify information about your access to, and use of, this product. We promise that we will not use cookies for any purpose other than those described in this Privacy Policy. We use cookies and similar technologies primarily to perform the following functions or services.

2.1 Ensure the Safe and Efficient Operation of Products and Services

We may set cookies or anonymous identifiers for authentication and security purposes to enable us to verify that you are securely logged into the Services or that you have not experienced theft, fraud or other wrongdoing. These technologies also help us improve the efficiency of our services and increase login and response times.

2.2 Helping to Make Your Access More Easily

The use of such technologies can help you eliminate the need to repeat the steps and processes you need to complete personal information and enter search content (examples: record search, form completion).

2.3 Cookie Removal

Most browsers provide users with the ability to clear the browser cache data, and you can do so in the browser settings function. If you do so, you may not be able to use the services or functions provided by us that rely on cookies.

3. How We Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Personal Information

3.1 Sharing

3.1.1 Sharing Principles

Authorized Consent Principle: We will not share your personal information without your consent, unless the personal information shared is de-identified and the third party sharing it cannot re-identify the natural person subject to such information. If the third party uses the information for purposes beyond the scope of the original authorized consent, they will need to obtain your consent again.

Legitimate and Minimal Necessity Principle: Data must be shared for a legitimate purpose and to the extent necessary to achieve that purpose.

Security Prudence Principle: We will carefully evaluate the purposes for which third parties use shared information, make a comprehensive assessment of the security capabilities of those partners, and require them to comply with legal agreements for cooperation. We will conduct strict security monitoring of the software tool development kits (SDKs) and application program interfaces (APIs) used by partners to obtain information in order to protect data security.

3.1.2 Shared Information for Implementing Functions or Services

When you use the functions provided by our affiliates or third parties in SHOWALL Mall, or when software service providers, smart device providers, system service providers and we jointly provide services for you, we will share the information necessary to realize the business with these affiliates and third parties. This is for comprehensive statistics and algorithms to do feature and preference analysis to form an indirect crowd profile, which can be used to recommend, display or push information that may be of interest to you, or to push specific features, services or commercials that are more suitable for you.

Login and usage of SHOWALL Mall: After you have authorized us to synchronize your SHOWALL Mall account and related information to SHOWALL Mall, you will use SHOWALL Mall and SHOWALL Mall related services and functions through the same account at the same time. For details of account and information synchronization, please refer to Account and Information Synchronization License Agreement.

Login, binding other third party accounts: When you use SHOWALL Mall account to log in to other third party products or services, or bind SHOWALL Mall account with other third party accounts, with your consent, we will share your nickname, avatar, direct or indirect followed people, followers, other communication relationships and other information you authorized with the aforementioned products or services. You can manage your authorization management for other third party products or services in [Settings] - [Account and Security] - [Authorization Management], or manage your bound third party accounts in [Settings] - [Account and Security] - [Third Party Account Binding]. Please note that after you cancel the authorization of other third party products or services, you may not be able to use the canceled SHOWALL Mall account to log in the third party products or services again; if you need to log in, you may need to authorize again.

When other SHOWALL Mall users log in, with their authorization, we will collect information about their friends, direct or indirect followed people, followers and other communication relationships within SHOWALL Mall. Your avatar, nickname and other public information may be displayed as a result of the aforementioned user's authorization.

When you choose to post information that can be synced to products or services of SHOWALL Mall, our affiliates or third parties (Weibo, etc.), SHOWALL Mall may use the SDK or related technology to share the posted content, comment and Like information with the providers of those products or services.

Applets: When you use applets, we do not share your personal information with these developers and operators without your consent. When you use applets, the applets may use the relevant system permissions authorized by you, and you can withdraw the authorization in the applets.

Geographic location service: When you use geolocation-related services, we will share GPS information with location service providers (Gaode Map) through SDK or related technology so that we can return location results to you. GPS information is personal sensitive information, and refusal to provide it will only affect the geolocation service function, but will not affect the normal use of other functions.

Wallet function: The services in the wallet function are provided by our affiliates and partners, and our affiliates and partners will collect information to the extent necessary for the function or service when you use the wallet-related functions.

Payment function: Payment functions are provided to you by third-party payment providers with whom we work. The third party payment provider may need to collect your name, bank card type and card number, expiration date and cell phone number. Bank card number, expiration date and cell phone number are sensitive personal information, which is necessary for the payment function. Refusal to provide them will result in your inability to use the function, but will not affect the normal use of other functions.

Order function: When you use SHOWALL Mall Order Center function, after your authorization, we may share your order information with the relevant service provider where you placed the order in order to facilitate you to check the order information uniformly.

In order to match message push function to the terminal model of your mobile device, we may share the cell phone model, version and related device information with the terminal device manufacturer (Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, VIVO, etc.) through SDK and other technologies.

3.1.3 Implementation of Advertising-related Shared Information

Ad placement and promotion: We may share information with partners handling ad placement and promotion, but we will not share information that identifies you personally (name, ID number), and will only provide these partners with indirect portrait tags and de-identified device information or anonymized device, network, channel and other information that does not identify you personally, so as to help them improve the effective reach of ads without identifying you personally. We provide these partners with indirect profile tags and de-identified device information or anonymized device, network, channel and other information to help them increase the effectiveness of ad reach without identifying you personally.

Ad Statistics: We may share with service providers, vendors and other partners of our business to analyze de-identified device information or statistical information that is difficult or impossible to correlate with your true identity. This information will help us analyze and measure the effectiveness of advertising and related services.

3.1.4 Shared Information that Enables Security and Analytics Statistics

Safeguarding usage security: We take account, service and content security very seriously. We and our affiliates or service providers may share necessary device, account and log information to protect your and other users' accounts and property, and to protect your and our legitimate legal rights from unauthorized access.

Analysis of product usage: In order to analyze the usage of our services and improve the user experience, we may share statistical data on product usage (crashes, flashbacks) with our affiliates or third parties, which is difficult to be combined with other information to identify your personal identity.

Academic research and scientific research: In order to enhance scientific research capabilities in related fields and promote the level of scientific and technological development, we may share de-identified or anonymized data with research institutes, universities and other institutions under the premise of ensuring data security and proper purposes.

Name of SDK used: Umeng SDK

Service type: Statistical analysis, we uniquely identify users by collecting unique device identifiers (e.g. IMEI/Android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID, SIM card IMSI information) for data statistics such as user additions. In special cases (e.g., when users use tablet devices or TV boxes) where the device cannot be identified by a unique device identifier, we use the device Mac address as the unique identifier of the user in order to provide statistical analysis services normally. Statistical analysis service has basic anti-cheating function, by obtaining user location information and IP address, we can eliminate cheating devices, and also correct the geographical distribution data of users to improve the accuracy of report data.

Type of personal information collected: device information (IMEI/MAC/Android ID, etc.)

Privacy policy link:

Transmission behavior: After the user agrees to this agreement, the app application transmits device information (IMEI/MAC/Android ID, etc.) to Umeng ( for statistical analysis services.

3.1.5 Helping You to Participate in Marketing Promotions

When you choose to participate in relevant marketing activities organized by us and our affiliates or third parties, you may be required to provide your name, mailing address, contact information, bank account number and other information. Some of this information is personally sensitive and refusal to provide it may affect your participation in the relevant activities, but will not affect other functions. We will only share this information with affiliates or third parties with your consent in order to guarantee you a consistent experience in joint activities or to entrust third parties to redeem rewards to you in a timely manner.

3.2 Transfers

We will not transfer your personal information to any other third party unless we have your express consent.

As our business continues to grow, we may engage in mergers, acquisitions, and asset transfers and your personal information may be transferred as a result. In the event of such a change, we will require the successor party to protect your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and security standards no less stringent than those set forth in this Privacy Policy, or we will require the successor party to obtain your authorized consent again.

3.3 Public Display

We will not publicly disclose your information except in accordance with national laws and regulations or with your consent. We publicly disclose your personal information using security protection measures that meet industry standards.

We will disclose the information of relevant accounts when we make penalty announcements for non-compliant accounts and fraudulent acts.

When you authorize the game or applet, your and your friends' avatars and nicknames will be displayed in the ranking and related functions.

Your publicly released works, dynamics, Favors (Likes) will be displayed in your personal homepage.

You can choose whether to turn on the "Private Account" function in [Settings] - [Privacy Settings] - [Private Account]. After you turn it on, we will not show the content you posted and the status of "Like" in other software without your consent. Only your approved users will be able to follow you and see your content and Likes, but your existing followers will not be affected.

You can choose whether to let other users see your Favor (Like) list in [Settings] - [Privacy Settings] - [Who can see my Likes list].

You can choose whether to let other users see your followers and the people you follow in [Settings] - [Privacy Settings] - [Who can see my followers and following list].

3.4 Sharing, Transfer and Public Disclosure Personal Information Exempted from Consent by Law

Please understand that we do not need your authorized consent to share, transfer or publicly disclose your personal information in accordance with laws, regulations and national standards in the following cases:

Directly related to national security, national defense security

Directly related to public safety, public health, and significant public interest

Directly related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial and sentence enforcement

For the purpose of safeguarding your or other individuals' life, property and other significant legitimate rights and interests but for which it is difficult to obtain your consent

Personal information that you disclose to the public at your own discretion

Personal information collected from legitimate public disclosures, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure and other channels

4. How We Store Personal Information

4.1 Storage Location

We store your personal information collected and generated in the course of our operations within the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the laws and regulations. At present, we do not transfer the above information outside of China, but if we do, we will follow the relevant national regulations or seek your consent.

4.2 Storage Period

We will retain your personal information only for as long as is necessary to provide SHOWALL Mall and the Services: information you post, comments, Favor (Like) and related information. We will retain such information before you withdraw, delete or cancel your account. After the necessary period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, except as otherwise provided by law or regulation.

5. How We Protect the Security of Personal Information

We attach great importance to the security of your personal information and will endeavor to take reasonable security measures (including technical aspects and management aspects) to protect your personal information from improper use or unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage, loss or leakage of the personal information you provide. Currently, SHOWALL Mall has passed the national information security level protection (Level 3) assessment and has been recorded in related authority department.

We will use encryption technology, anonymization and related reasonable and feasible means no worse than industry peers to protect your personal information, and use security protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on your personal information.

We will establish special security department, security management system, and data security process to protect your personal information. We adopt a strict data use and access system to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to your personal information, and conduct security audits of data and technology from time to time.

Although we have taken reasonable and effective measures as described above and have complied with the standards required by the relevant legal provisions, please understand that due to technical limitations and the possibility of various malicious means, in the Internet industry, even with all efforts to strengthen security measures, it is not always possible to guarantee 100% security of information, and we will do our best to ensure the security of the personal information you provide to us.

You are aware and understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access our services may experience problems due to factors outside of our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take proactive measures to protect the security of your personal information, including, but not limited to, using complex passwords, changing passwords regularly, and not disclosing your account password and related personal information to others.

We will develop emergency handling plans and immediately activate them in the event of user information security incidents in an effort to prevent the expansion of the impact and consequences of these security incidents. Once a user information security event (leakage, loss) occurs, we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of: the basic situation of the event and the possible impact, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions you can independently prevent and reduce the risk, and the remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you of the incident in the form of push notifications, emails, letters, SMS and related forms, and when it is difficult to inform you one by one, we will take reasonable and effective ways to issue announcements. At the same time, we will also report the disposal of user information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of relevant regulatory authorities.

Once you leave SHOWALL Mall and related services to browse or use other websites, services, content and resources, we will have no ability and direct obligation to protect any personal information submitted by you in software and websites other than SHOWALL Mall and related services, regardless of whether your login, browsing or use of the said software and websites is based on links or guidance from SHOWALL Mall.

6. Managing Your Personal Information

We attach great importance to the management of your personal information and make every effort to protect your rights related to visit, access, modification, deletion, withdrawal of consent authorization, account cancellation, complaint reporting, and setting privacy features of your personal information so that you have the ability to protect your privacy and information security.

6.1 Self-selective Control of Personalized Recommendation Information

6.1.1 Self-determination to Receive Information

Our information recommendations and other functions may be made based on non-human automated decision-making mechanisms including information systems, algorithms, etc. When you are not interested in the information we send or want to reduce some information recommendation, you can block it precisely by long pressing the screen and clicking "Not Interested" in the recommended video. This will help you to control and make your own decisions about the information pushed to you.

6.1.2 Autonomous Subscription to Desired Information

The accounts you followed actively will be displayed. You can choose to follow or unfollow by yourself.

6.2 Change or Withdraw the Scope of Authorization

6.2.1 Change or Withdraw Friend Recommendation Settings

You can choose whether to allow recommendations to your friends or change the way your account is found in [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Settings].

6.2.2 Change or Withdraw Sensitive Permission Settings

You can turn off permissions for precise geolocation information, address book, camera, microphone, photo album, and calendar, change the scope of consent or withdraw your authorization in the device's own operating system. We will no longer collect information related to them after your withdrawal of authorization.

6.2.3 Handling of Information for Changing or Withdrawing Authorization

Some of your information will be required for specific functions and services. After you withdraw your consent or authorization, we will not be able to provide you with the related functions and services, and we will no longer process your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the processing of personal information that we have already carried out previously based on your authorization.

6.3 Access, Deletion and Correction of Your Personal Information

6.3.1 Accessing Personal Account Information

You can inquire and access your avatar, username, profile, gender, birthday, and region, and you can do so at [Account] - [Edit Profile].

6.3.2 Query, Access, Correction, and Deletion of Information

Go to [Account] - [Works] to access and delete your posted video.

Go to [Account] - [Like] to access and delete the information you favored (Liked).

Enter [Follow] to access and check the information of the accounts you follow, and click the "Followed" button beside the corresponding account in the follow list (if any) or enter the homepage of the corresponding account to unfollow it.

Enter [Account] - [Settings] - [Account and Security] to access SHOWALL Mall number, SHOWALL Mall code and other information; access and correct the bound cell phone number, third-party accounts, and settings; correct SHOWALL Mall password, access real name authentication information and device information.

For security and identification reasons, you may not be able to independently modify some of the initial registration information submitted during registration (such as information for real name authentication); if you really need to modify such information, please contact us by email ( We will review the issues involved as soon as possible and reply promptly after your user identity is verified by special person.

6.3.3 Controlling the Scope of Information Visibility

Go to [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Settings] - [Allow others to view my Like list] to set whether others can see your Like information in the Like list of your personal homepage.

Go to [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Settings] - [Allow my Likes to be shown in videos] to set whether others can see your Likes in other users' posted works.

Go to [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Settings] - [Private Account] to set whether others can follow and view your account content and Likes.

Go to [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Settings] - [Blacklist] to set whether others can communicate with you, view your account content and Like information.

Go to [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Settings] - [Who can send private messages to me] to set what kind of users can communicate with you.

Go to [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Settings] - [Allow others to view my followed and followers] to control whether others can see your followed accounts and your followers.

Go to [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Settings] - [Allow live streaming, works, location] to set whether your works and live streams can be displayed on the "Same City" page, and whether your comments, Likes, follows, submissions, etc. can be displayed.

Go to [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Settings] - [Show active status] to set whether your active status will be shown to your friends. After closing, you can't see the active status of other friends.

Go to [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Settings] - [Allow showing my viewing history in videos] to set whether your viewing of a piece of work will be seen by the author. When turned off, you will not be able to see the view history of your content by others either. This setting may not work for "Diary" works.

Go to [Account] - [Settings] - [Account and Security] - [Third party account binding] to choose whether to sync your published work to SHOWALL Mall.

6.4 Cancellation of Account

You can cancel your account in [Account] - [Settings] - [Account and Security] - [SHOWALL Mall Security Center]. Before you cancel your account, we will verify your personal identity, security status, device information, etc. Please refer to the SHOWALL Mall Cancellation Instructions for the cancellation process and content. You acknowledge and understand that the act of canceling your account is irreversible and that we will delete or anonymize information about you after you cancel your account, except as otherwise provided by law or regulation.

6.5 Complaints and Reports

You may make a complaint or report in accordance with our published system. If you think your personal information rights may be violated, or find clues to violate personal information rights, you can contact us at [Account] - [Settings] - [Feedback and Help], and enter the user feedback interface. We will feedback your complaints and reports within 30 days after verification.

6.6 Access to Privacy Policy

You can view the entire contents of this Privacy Policy on the registration page or by logging into your personal account at [Account] - [Settings] - [Privacy Policy].

Please understand that the SHOWALL Mall and related services described in this Privacy Policy may vary depending on your cell phone model, system version, software application version, mobile client and other factors. The final product and service will be based on the SHOWALL Mall software and related services you are using.

6.7 Notification of Discontinuation of Operations

If we cease operations, we will promptly stop collecting your personal information, notify you of the cessation of operations in the form of individual delivery or announcement, and delete or anonymize your personal information in our possession.

7. Terms for Minors

7.1 General Terms and Conditions for Minors

If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should jointly read and agree to this Privacy Policy under the supervision and guidance of your parents or other guardians before using SHOWALL Mall and related services.

We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations, and will only collect, use, share or disclose personal information of minors as permitted by law, with the express consent of their parents or other guardians or as necessary to protect them; if we discover that personal information of minors has been collected without prior verifiable parental or other guardian consent, we will try to delete the relevant information as soon as possible. We have also established strict rules for the collection and use of minors' information to protect the security of children's and teenagers' personal information, which you can learn more about by reading the Notice of Use for Children/Youth.

If you are the guardian of a minor, when you have questions about the personal information of a minor in your custody, please contact us through the contact information disclosed in this Privacy Policy.

7.2 Special Protection for Minors

7.2.1 Time lock

You can set "Time Lock" in [Account] - [Minor Protection Tools]. After the function is enabled, when the usage time in a single day exceeds the trigger time set in advance, you need to enter the preset password before you can continue to use.

7.2.2 Child/Teenager Mode

You can set Child/Teenager Mode in [Account] - [Minor Protection Tools]. After the function is enabled, you can only use SHOWALL Mall for certain duration and at special time. When the preset duration expires, you need to enter the password before you can continue to use it.

7.2.3 Parent-child Platform

You can open the Parent-child Platform function in [Account] - [Minor Protection Tools] after accepting the SHOWALL Mall Parent-Child Platform Service Agreement. When you apply to open this function, we may ask you to provide legal identification, proof of guardianship, SHOWALL Mall account, contact information and other personal information to verify identity and conduct necessary verification. After the function is enabled, SHOWALL Mall will take restrictive measures such as using duration limitation and content filtering for minor accounts according to your application.

8. Privacy Policy Revisions and Notices

In order to provide you with better service, SHOWALL Mall and related services will be updated and changed from time to time, and we may revise this Privacy Policy from when necessary. These revisions form part of this Privacy Policy and have the same effect as this Privacy Policy. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy as currently in effect without your express consent.

When this Privacy Policy is updated, we will issue an updated version at SHOWALL Mall and will remind you of the updated terms through an announcement on our official website ( or other appropriate means before the updated terms become effective so that you are aware of the latest version of this Privacy Policy.

9. Contact Us

If you have complaints, suggestions, or questions about the protection of personal information, you can send your questions to

We will review the issues involved as soon as possible and reply within fifteen working days after verifying your user identity.

Update: October 11, 2022